Friday, August 5, 2011

Bottlenose Sailing Past the Thimble Islands

Joshua Cove was a quiet spot but the constant waves from the south made for lots of rocking and rolling...too much for a good night's rest.

As usual on a sailboat something is bound to break.   This time it was a tiny copper pin on the windlass remote that broke off and was flush inside the socket.  We could not get the pin out so we sacrificed both the remote and socket and spliced the line thanks to Ted's ingenuity.  We thought it was working but this morning the windlass would work in only one direction...down...not up!  That means hauling in 100 feet of chain and a mudcaked anchor that took both Lance and me to lift.  That was a workout!!!

But it's all worth it as we are now under sail on a beam reach headed to Black Rock Yacht Club.

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