Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sunrise on the Delaware Bay

Luck is on our side.  We made terrific headway down the coast and arrived several hours ahead of schedule.  That meant arriving on the Delaware Bay just as the tide started to rise.  The currents are still with us and we are moving at 8.2 knots.  If this pace keeps up we will exit the Delaware Bay and enter the C&D Canal just as the tide switches and moves in our favor again!

Bottlenose will be switching crews along the canal.  Coleman will be arriving by car and Sheila will drive his car back to the Northern Neck.  When Coleman arrives we will decide where to stop tonight and then plot our journey down the Chesapeake.

The conditions sailing down the coast could not have been better! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to learn that the return trip is going so well. It's fun to check in on the two of you as well as assorted co-travelers and see your posts.
