The weather forecast sounded promising for our sail up the Bay towards Annapolis. But by the time we reached the Bay at the mouth of the Rappahannock the winds had picked up considerably and were from the NNW. We attempted to sail with reefed main and genoa but made very little headway north. MerSea was pounding in the waves so it was a very uncomfortable sail. We decided to bring in the sails and turn on the motor. After giving up plans to reach Point Lookout, we opted for Cockrells Creek in Reedville. To our surprise the rest of the flotilla was just ahead. It turned out that the conditions on the Potomac were even worse. Two intrepid boats made it as far as the Coan River and the others returned to the Great Wicomico. As we turned up Cockrells Creek, C'mon Wind was hailing us on the VHF. They were anchored in Cockrells Creek and invited us to raft up with them.
Given the forecast for worsening conditions over the next two days, the flotilla has abandoned plans to sail to Annapolis. Instead we will head to Onancock and then take it one day at a time from there.
We've had a very peaceful calm as could be. It's hard to imagine how fiesty it was out on the Bay.
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