Monday, July 30, 2012

Backtracking: Freeport & Moxie

While in Freeport our friends Amy and Tobey took us out on their newly acquired cabin cruiser for a tour of Casco Bay and to dinner at the Dolphin Restaurant.  As we were leaving the dock, Lance mentioned that our neighbors on Carter's Creek bring their boat, Moxie, a 49' Grand Banks, up to Freeport each summer.   Amy and Tobey recognized the name Moxie and were sure they had seen the boat in the area so we kept a lookout as we left the dock.  Sure enough two minutes later we spotted Moxie at the marina and our neighbors appeared on deck. What a small world indeed! 

It took a trip to Maine to understand the derivation of the name Moxie.  It turns out Moxie is a local favorite softdrink.  There are enough Moxie fans to field an annual festival.  We purchased a mini can, as shown above, but have yet to try it. 

We had fun visiting our friends Amy and Tobey and hope it won't be another 5+ years before we see them again!

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