Sunday, September 29, 2013

Century River Ride - We Did It!

Yesterday was the Northern Neck's annual "River Ride" which travels the backroads of Lancaster, Northumberland and Richmond counties.  Over 200 riders cycle throughout the day on various routes.  Lance, along with two friends, Tom and Carl, cycled the 35 mile route.
Tony, Laila, Alison, Tom, Stephanie, Palo, Lance and Carl departing from Windmill Point
Stephanie, neighbor Tony, and Laila, Alison and Palo, friends from Bethesda, opted for the "English Century" which totaled 103 miles.
Northern Neck Century River Ride - 100+ miles
 Thanks to Tony whose iPhone has the latest mapping software we were able to chart our progress -- average speed of 15 mph during our ride time of 6 hours 52 minutes burning over 5,600 calories.      
Averaging 15 mph over 103 miles

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