Friday, December 6, 2013

A Little Science Project

We're conducting a little science project here at Church Prong.  After several years of talking about it, we finally took action and installed a  Reverse Osmosis tap in our kitchen.  The main reason was our concern for the high sodium content in our drinking water (not to mention the nasty taste).  According to Frances and Herb, our favorite former USGS geologists and fellow Turkey Shoot sailors, the wells in the area contain more sodium than usual thanks to the meteorite that struck here 35 million years ago.  It's a rather interesting story.
Source:  wikipedia

When the 5-8 mile wide asteroid collided with the earth it created a 53 mile wide crater and generated a 1,500 foot tsunami that reached as far as the Blue Ridge Mountains.  The crater was as deep as the yet to be created Grand Canyon.  It ultimately led to the creation of the Chesapeake Bay.  Amazingly it wasn't until 1983 that scientists first discovered evidence of this monstrous asteroid.  To learn more, click here:

According to scientists, the present freshwater aquifers lie on top of a salty brine making the aquifers susceptible to sodium contamination.  Which brings us back to our science project!  After installing our new RO system, we measured the Total Dissolved Solids in our drinking water.   According to the EPA, the recommended maximum contamination level is 500 parts per million (ppm).  Anything above 1,000 ppm is deemed unfit for human consumption.

Our cold water tap measured 331 ppm.  Our hot water tap measured a shocking 566 ppm - almost double. That's clear evidence that it's not wise to cook with water from the hot tap.  The best news of all is that our RO system performed as anticipated with only 31 ppm.

Although we are not exactly sure what percent of the ppm the sodium represents, what matters is that our water quality has improved by a factor of 10 times and the salty taste has disappeared!

Now on to the next project...yes, you'll be hearing about my goat Chloe.

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