Friday, December 6, 2013

Meet My Goat Chloe

You're never too old to have fantasies, right?  At the risk of TMI, I'll tell you about one of mine.

Yes, I've always aspired to have a goat, particularly a French Alpine Goat. ask?  Well...I really can't explain it except that perhaps it's in the genes.  As a kid my father used to tell me stories about his pet sheep, Roby.  He loved that sheep even as much as he loved a good gigot d'agneau a la moutarde.  So maybe my fetish for cheese producing farm animals is an inescapable Chaufournier trait?

To further fuel my fantasy, my dear friend Laila gave me a one-year goat lease.   She's a clever one.  What could be better than having your own goat but not having to clean up after it?  And then there's the big bonus...3 devine logs of fresh custom-made Chevre delivered to your door.

Most of all I got to name my goat.  Chloe sounded like a good fit.  Can you tell which one she is?  I'm not sure but am hoping it's the bossy one in the lead.

Sadly my goat lease comes to an end on December 31.  However, this has inspired me to dream even bigger dreams.  Why stop at one goat?  How about a whole herd?  They'd be in heaven here with unlimited weeds to mow on the old Tartan Golf Course.  I can see it now...Chevre a la Tartan.  Instead of logs, the cheese will be shaped into little golf ball-sized delights.

Stay tuned for the next wacky goat episode...

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