Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lime Harvest at Church Prong

Just before leaving for our mid-west adventure, we ceremoniously picked the one and only lime from our front yard citrus grove.  It was a beauty!  We'll let you know how it tastes.

The last few days were filled with an abundance of chores.  Not only were we preparing for our trip, but we also hosted, with three other hosts, a progressive wine tasting for 12 winners from the YMCA fundraiser.  It was a ton of fun.  Met some wonderful new people, dinned on gourmet delights and enjoyed some very, very good champagne and wine.  We hosted the cheese course so aromas of Pont-l'Eveque wafted through the house all last week long.

Now we are a few miles East of Charlottesville making our way towards our first stop...Douthat State Park in Clifton Forge, VA.

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